Tổng hợp các topic “khó nhai” nhất Writing Task 2

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Dẫn đường ý tưởng – Chỉ lối vocab siêu hay


More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programmes to get their news and instead read online.

Is this a positive or negative development?

Essay Plan:

Introduction: refer to the task question, using paraphrasing. My own opinion – the trend is both negative and positive.

Body Paragraph #1: the benefits of online news(1) convenient -> access to thousands of pieces of news both locally and internationally with the Internet (2) has audio version => helpful for people who are visually impaired.

Body Paragraph #2:  the lack of genuineness and quality of online news and why physical newspapers and national channels published better news  (1) click-bait for domain owners’ advertising profits (2) content may be negative, anti-government because online news does not go through strict censorship.

Conclusion: thanks to the development of the Internet and media we can have much faster access to various news across the globe. However, we should still keep in mind that the quality of online news may not be validated and sometimes shocking headlines can be nothing but pure click-baits.

In the age of technological breakthroughs, a majority of people prefer to read their news online, rather than from printed newspapers. From my perspective, despite the convenience and accessibility to worldwide news, this trend is both positive and negative. 

People who advocate for the benefits of online news would regard it as being much more convenient. Users can easily come across thousands of news articles when they are scrolling through news sites or social media pages. It also enables them to access the news that they find interesting within just a few clicks, provided that they have an Internet connection. This method of approaching news is much more potent as it also covers a variety of news from anywhere around the world. Furthermore, most websites nowadays provide an audio version of their stories which is a very helpful feature for the visually impaired. Hence, these developments of Internet journalism are a forecast of upcoming innovation as well as the demise of conventional news reporting.

Nonetheless, the genuineness and quality of online news are remarkably lower than that of traditional newspapers or programmes aired on national channels. Since there is not enough censorship as well as quality control for such web pages, domain owners can post virtually any content so long as it attracts viewers. Fake news stemmed from this critical reason, which makes news online untrustable. Moreover, the content can be negative to the extent of anti-government propaganda, which can be detrimental to a nation’s stability. Meanwhile, news on physical newspapers and TV programmes always undergo strict censorial inspection before being presented to the public, thus, ensuring its reliability. 

In conclusion, thanks to the development of the Internet and media, we can have much faster access to various news across the globe. However, it is suggested that the quality of online news may not be verified and sometimes can be harmful to social stability.


  • Breakthrough (n):  a sudden advance especially in knowledge or technique
    • Translation: sự tiến bộ (vượt bậc), sự đột phá
    • Example: Researchers say they have made a major breakthrough in cancer treatment.
  • Accessibility (n): the capability of being reached
    • Translation: khả năng tiếp cận
    • Example: The invention of aircrafts greatly increased the accessibility of locations around the world.
  • Advocate (v):  to support or argue for a cause, policy, etc.
    Advocate (n):  one who supports or promotes the interests of a cause or group

    • Translation: ủng hộ mạnh mẽ, người ủng hộ
    • Example: A group of animal rights advocates stormed a farm in Ireland last night.
  • Potent (adj): very powerful 
    • Translation: mạnh mẽ, quyền lực
    • Example: Many potent drugs have equally unpleasant side-effects.
  • Feature (n): a typical quality or an important part of something
    • Translation: tính năng, đặc tính, đặc điểm
    • Example: Smartphones nowadays have many features we could only dream of a decade ago.
  • (the) visually impaired (phr n): blind people
    • Translation: người khiếm thị
    • Example: Braille is a writing system made for the visually impaired.
  • Censorship (n): to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable
    • Translation: sự kiểm duyệt
    • Example: Countless movies have been banned over the years due to government censorship.
  • Propaganda (n): the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
    • Translation: sự tuyên truyền
    • Example: It’s now up to the government’s propaganda machine to restore the prime minister’s image..
  • Verified (adj): to prove that something exists or is true
    • Translation: được kiểm chứng
    • Example: Vaccine certifications are verified via QR codes.

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